Thursday, March 31, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballgame...

MGSA is hosting a Spring Softball picnic! It's at Andrews Park, Sunday, April 10th at 1 pm. The department will furnish the meat (plus some veggie options) as well as drinks. All you have to do is bring salads, fruit, desserts, or other culinary delights - potluck style! Sign up at Cristin's desk for what you plan to bring. Want more information? Check your mailbox for a "formal" invitation or contact any MGSA officer (Nancy, Houssein, Sean B., or Salam).

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Graduate Student Appreciation Week, April 10-15

The Graduate College, together with the Graduate College Student Ambassadors, the Black Graduate Student Association, and the Graduate Student Senate, have some great events planned for graduate students during April 10-15 (National Graduate Student Appreciation Week). Highlights of the week include a family picnic, bowling, massages, a free lunch, a parents' night out, and much more! For more details, or to register for any event, go to or .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Break Activities

Looking for something to do on Spring Break? MGSA has two great activities planned:

1. Croquet - Monday at 3 PM on the North Oval. Contact Houssein if you have questions.

2. Teach Workshops for International Students - Monday at 10 AM in PHSC 809 and Friday afternoon (time and place TBA). Contact Nancy for more information.

Have a fun, safe break!