Thursday, August 5, 2010

AWM Workshop (deadline soon!)

Attention, Ladies:

If you are a postdoc or are nearing the end of your graduate studies, you are eligible to apply to the AWM workshop. This is a workshop held at the Joint Meetings of the AMS/MAA, which is in New Orleans this year (January 2011). The workshop provides a great opportunity to get to present your work and to meet lots of other women mathematicians, plus they pay for your expenses to go to the meeting!

The deadline to apply is EARLY! It is coming up on August 15. Dr. Kornelson (our resident AWM expert) has encouraged applications and has generously offered to discuss the workshop with anyone who stops by.

You can find out more by clicking here.


  1. You should know that three OU women have presented at this workshop. It is quite an honor, since only 20 women graduate students or postdoctoral associates get invited to present at this event annually.

    Can anyone guess who the three are?

  2. I can only get to two: Jana Talley and Vera Tonic (at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in 2009). Does anyone know the third?
