Monday, July 26, 2010

FREE Spoken English Classes!

Attention International Students!

Starting in Fall 2010, the English Assessment Program will offer free spoken English classes to international students. There will be two classes on offer in the Fall and one in the Spring. If you want to enroll in a spoken English course in a given semester, you should notify the Graduate Director at least one month before the start of the semester (and earlier, if possible).

We here at the OU MGSA blog have it on good authority that space in these classes is filling up for Fall, so if you're interested, act now!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Welcome to the OU MGSA blog! We hope to use this format to provide our graduate students with up-to-date information about conferences, professional advice, MGSA events, and more! Check back often for the latest information. If you would like to contribute an announcement, link, or other information to the blog, please contact an MGSA officer.